Monday, April 12, 2010

The Head cold

My head is not even apart of the rest of my body. My mind is not here, it is on another planet. The can't hear what anyone is saying, just want this cold to go away planet. My son has remained in his diapers all day long. Of course, I have changed him throughout the day and he is quite content to not have any restrictive clothing on today. My neck and back are soar, but I think that is from Yoga yesterday. I think I got this cold because we went to a friends on saturday and her kids had colds. We decided it was going to be a day of cooking, eating and talking and allowing the kids to go wild. I cooked these sweet potatoes. The recipe was on the back of a rice crispy cereal box. If anyone is interested the recipe is:

2 medium size sweet potatoes, peeled and cut length wise
4 eggs
2tbsp garlic powder
1/4 cup flour
1tsp maple syrup
crushed rice crispy's

In a bowl mix flour and seasoning, garlic powder or salt and pepper together. In another bowl, mix eggs and maple syrup and in another bowl place rice crispy's. First take the sweet potatoes one at a time and dip in flour mix. Shake off excess flour and dip in egg mix and then roll in rice crispy's. Place on a flat tin foiled lined pan, put in oven for 40 minutes to an hour.
For the dip, mix mayonnaise and cayenne pepper together.

It is a great and easy appetizer for any get together. My friend made scones, which we ate with cool whip and jam. My sister bought the carrot cake because she does not cook or bake. My husband made the chilli and it was the best chilli he had ever made. Since I have known him, only 4 years now, he has been looking for the perfect chilli recipe. He made it with pork instead of beef and pork is a lot easier to work with in my opinion. We ate that with sour cream and cheese. It was amazing. The kids loved it. We bathed them and let them go crazy, jumping on furniture, screaming and rolling over. It tired my son out. On the way back to Mississauga from Oshawa, Markus slept and we carried him in our condo and he slept all night. This was the first. My son is not a sleeper, he fights tiredness every step of the way. He sleeps in a big boy bed now, so once we give him his bath, brush his teeth, give him his sippy cup with water, read him a story, turn on the music and put him to bed, he is fine. However, only 2 or 3 hrs later, he will wake up and walk over to our room and wake me up. I have to lugg myself out of bed and grab his sippy cup from his room, take it over to ours and try to get him to sleep again. But, he wants to cuddle and then I can't sleep. It is very frustrating. I wonder if other parents have the same problem.

Also, I am looking for activities to do with my 20 month old. He is getting more active. We live in a small condo. We have a nice Japanese style zen garden right across the street from us. I have taken him for walks there and to see the snapping turtles and feed the ducks. The ducks will come right up to our feet, they can be quite aggressive. We also have square one shopping mall across the street and that is it!!! There is only so much of taking him for walks in Kariya park and to the shopping mall that I can take. My son will get bored. I am looking for creative ideas that we could do together. I showed him play doh a while ago, but it just got messy and he began to throw it at me. It gets boring very easily. I don't want him to watch too much tv. He is watching tv right now just before I give him a bath. If anyone sees this blog and is willing to read through this, please let me know of any ideas. My email address is

My husband downloaded every episode of "Six feet under". I am addicted to that show. I am now on the fourth season. I just can't wait to watch it tonight. I want to watch it now, but my husband is not home and he would kill me if I went a head and watched it on my own because he wants that to be something we do together.

It is time to give my little man a bath.

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