I am shortly going to take Markus to the park, it is a beautiful day and I am going with a friend. I got our lunches ready and set to go, I just have to get myself ready, but I have a couple hours still.
I am reading a book by Ayn Rand "The virtue of Selfishness". I read it in high school, but I forgot what it was about. I saw it at a friends place and asked to borrow it. So far, she is discussing the philosophy of our survival and how we evolved and began surviving based on instinct, like nurture vs nature type of thing and she talks about animals that need to be selfish to survive, like Darwins "Survival of the fittest". However, humans are more complex because we have the power to think and be rational, so she goes on to discuss where our morality comes from. I like that she does not believe our morality comes from the "bible", it can come from our upbringing that is instilled in us through positive parenting, or we could have come from a bad environment and circumstance but still have good morals because it is apart of our genetic makeup. Either way, I get from the read that being selfish is a good thing as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. We have to look out for ourselves in order to give a part of ourselves fully and completely to others and charities. We have to get rid of the guilt we feel of where our morality actually comes from. It is an interesting topic for discussion.
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