It's winter! And I hate leaving the house because I have a 5 yr old and an almost 2 yr old. Getting all their snow gear on is like trying out for the mommy olympics. They get distracted. My son might get one shoe on and then start playing with batman and making swooshing sounds. It is not until I stomp my foot and clap in his face, yelling "C'mon, Let's go, Shoes now!". After every article of clothing, he stops to play with a toy or run around the living room and I have to bring him back to focus with a clap. It takes about half an hour just to get all of their stuff on. I dread leaving the house with them in the winter!
Here is what I have decided to do for next time we have to get out the door for skating lessons or swimming lessons or for school:
1. Have them go to the washroom before getting their snowsuits on. It never fails. The minute I have on their snowsuits, one of them will yell "PEEEEEE!" Robert Munsch sure knew what he was writing about in the story "I have to go PEEE". Every mother feels as though that book was written about their life with small children.
2. I start the getting ready process half an hour before we have to be out the door. Instead of clapping and getting anxious. I wait patiently now and ask calmly "I see you one have one shoe, where is the other?"
3. I give a lot of encouragement: "Oh, good, you have your snow pants on now. Do you think you can get your jacket on as well and do you need help zipping it or can you show me how you zip your jacket?" I learned that from Sesame Street.
4. When my son or daughter put on two different shoes, not paying attention to what is going on, I have time to say "does that look right to you?" If they get caught up in the joke and can't get out of it to get ready and they do more silly stuff. I open the door and stand outside and say in a firm voice "I am waiting and it is cold".
Often times, I have to still help my 2 yr old, but she is getting it and she watches her brother. I try to make it fun, even though I am thinking I am raising monsters.
Good luck, getting out the door. Can't wait until summer.
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