I was watching the Morning show and Liza Fromer had asked this question. I thought about it and wondered what other people thought of this topic and this could be a good discussion amongst mothers. Parenting is hard and I have noticed that many parents judge each other's parenting and sometimes it's hard not to. So, if you do not like your friends kids, do you tell them? I would never tell my friend because it is saying something against her parenting. However, my friend may know by my actions. Recently, I feel one of my friends does not like my children. She has a son and daughter the same age as mine. Every time I ask to get together, she will not answer the question but she will say, it can be just you and me that get together. If I say Markus would love to see your son, she will ignore the comment and say how about we do something just the two of us. When I have been with her, Markus has not wanted to leave her house and he put up a fuss. Her son on the other hand, listens well, but I have seen him be mean behind his mom's back, where as Markus is loud but not mean, he doesn't know if he is doing it and so nothing is secretly done behind an adult's back or he is not trying to suck up to an adult. However, it can often look bad when he throws a tantrum but later he tells me what the other kid did to cause it. It is like that move Home Alone 2 when Kevin was singing in a school choir but his brother was behind him making faces and taunting him. Finally Kevin had it and turned around and punched his brother, causing the back row to fall, people to fall off the stage and the displays to fall over, ruining the whole performance. So who should get in trouble? Kevin or his older brother?
This irritated me with my friend, because I know she doesn't care to see my children and this hurts my feelings, because I feel she has judged my children but they are just kids. Her children are no picnic either. They have very different personalities, but they are also just kids and age 5 is a pretty annoying age. They can be the sweetest kids ever and want to please and then suddenly throw the biggest tantrums over the smallest things. At age 5, we sometimes forget that they are still little because it seems that they are so smart and can do so much for themselves but the reality is emotionally, they are still babies and learning how to communicate effectively, that does not happen over night.
So, it is possible to be friends if you do not like their children. However, I think that although it is not said, it is implied. Yet, I think we should all accept that kids change and sometimes I don't even like my own kids so I don't expect others to always love them either. As adults, we shouldn't take that one tantrum that our friends kids had and hold it against them and put them in a box, saying this is the way they are. Because it is not. we can't all be in good moods. Sometimes I say the "F" word and I can't stop. But, it is not always like that, it depends how much sleep I have gotten the night before. It is the same with our kids. They can't all be well behaved all the time.
As kids get older and get more responsibilities and their peers play a huge role in shaping their personalities as well, then the parents can get together without kids. The kids will make their own friends and that is okay. I didn't always like my mom's long time friends as I got older and so I didn't have to see them.
Overall, when kids are so young, let's try not to judge, but if our kids don't like each other that is another story. So, yes a friendship can still exist independent of the kids. The aim though is try to get the kids to get along and constantly teach social interactions and how to play, listen and communicate. It's all about learning. That is how I look at it.
What are some other thoughts? Has anyone been in this situation?
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