Thursday, January 19, 2012

Waiting for a full recovery.

Taking for granted every moment, every breath
Never seemed so real
The uncertainty kicks in
Dad, I need you more now then I ever thought so.

Waiting in the ICU, minutes go by slow
Time stands still
Wondering how this could be so
Angry that mistakes were made and now
you are fighting to breath on your own

Cursing and swearing at the driver who hit you by not going slow
How wrong can this be,
but I look forward to when you are awake
When you can respond to me
Wanting and waiting for you to see your grandson's grow
Your grand daughter to be born.
We need you more than you'll ever know

Things I take for granted and never imagined it so
Our bodies are machines, some need fixing and others
go on their merry way.
Breathing so easy for me
Yet seeing the difficulty you have at simple things
is such an ordeal, I never wanted you to face.

Dads are supposed to be strong, now I know how strong you are
You should have been dead
But dad, you are a fighter and I never saw it so
I love you more than I even thought so
Your willingness to smile, to love and to fight for a life
you had before.

Though dad, your life has been altered and never be the same
Somehow, you will make it through with what you have
And do the best that you know to do.

Tears have come and gone and we will continue to stay strong.
Love is endless and somehow heals the soul
Your mind is so valuable, though your body seems to fall away.
We will fight and walk by your side.
We will find our way through after this tragic accident and make do.

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