Thursday, October 13, 2011

Buying a house!!! Yikes, what a huge purchase!!!!

We saw two houses we liked yesterday in Oakville for the second time. They were on the same street, couple of doors down from one another. Markus was asleep the whole time because swimming lessons had tired him out. The layout was pretty much the same. One house had a huge backyard with a swing and slide mounted into the floor. The other had a deck build and was wider but length wise very small and narrow. One had carpet of a bayish colour throughout the house and the other was dark wood flooring. In one the basement was finished, the one with the smaller backyard and in the other, the basement was unfinished. Obviously the house with the carpet, a larger backyard and an unfinished basement was cheaper but only by $5000.00. In this neighbourhood, it can get pretty expensive because of the location. It is close to a grocery store, a splash pad, a park, a recreation centre like the YMCA, still not close enough as in walking distance like it is here for me.

Tom and I discussed putting an offer in for the house with the larger backyard and carpet. Tom can do renovations over time. This place would need a new colour of paint on the walls, why this family chose to do the living room in a dark green, and as you enter the house into the hallway, a light green all the way up the stairs and into the bedroom is beyond me. It looks dark, except the hallway, but not very warm upon entering. So, a lot of work would need to be done. If we stay there over a 10 yr span, they will all get done. I don't know if we could rent the basement like we had originally planned.

We have to still sell this condo, that worries me even more. There is still a lot to be done. Tom needs to paint the bathroom holes that he filled in with white. We need to get rid of the clutter in the bedroom that are his tools. We need to repaint the doors white to make it look new and some of the baseboards as well.

I am excited but a little nervous at the same time because I am familiar with this area now and getting use to a new area is quite challenging. Especially, when i have to gain more confidence with driving. I am also hopeful that after the baby is born, I will find a job, it may be easier in Oakville than in Mississauga. Partially because it is not as big as Mississauga and not as multicultural. At first I will be looking for just a part time job to get back into the working habit, it could be teaching but it might not be. I have to prepare for that.

I had my ultrasound and I am 20 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a girl. So, I have to think of girl names. I haven't a clue. I was thinking Naomi. It is a Jewish, Hebrew name that means beauty, pleasant. Markus knows he will get a sister, but I don't think he cares at this point.

We just got back from his reading group at the library. Markus did not want to participate, it was not his day, so we spent the time outside the room listening to the other kids dance and sing. Markus was happy to sit by the fish and watch them swim. He danced outside a bit to the music, when I asked if he was ready to go back in, he said no. Afterwards, we hung around the library and I read to him, he wanted to put on a puppet show for me with the puppet animals. Then we went to Tim Hortons for lunch and now he is watching T.V. I am tuckered out and I am surprised he is not. I am hoping he will go to bed shortly. I still need to do laundry, which I try to avoid as long as possible, vacuum and clean the floors and clean the kitchen, which will not take me long. The thought of doing it takes longer than actually doing it. It is hard to motivate myself on this cloudy, moist, warm rainy day.

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